BOBEEB新品發佈無酒精Mocktail系列,一掃炎炎夏日疲憊!BOBEEB源自1980年大阪奈良頂級飲品店,以40年歷史及卓越品質聞名,為顧客提供最優質飲品體驗,此次推出的Mocktail系列,每杯均採用100%鮮榨水果,絕不使用廉價濃縮糖漿,確保每一口都是純天然美味享受,此外BOBEEB Mocktail更不含任何化學香料和奶精,健康又美味!不要再猶豫,快來品嚐招牌米其林星級甜點,為味蕾帶來極致享受!詳情請洽BOBEEB門市。
BOBEEB unveils its new Mocktail series: a refreshing choice for the summer heat! Established in Osaka-Nara since 1980, BOBEEB has been known for its 40 years of excellence in quality. The new Mocktail series, made from 100% freshly squeezed fruits, promises a pure and natural taste without cheap syrup.
Free from any chemical flavorings or creamer, these drinks are both healthy and delicious. Don't hesitate, come and taste the Michelin-starred desserts and Mocktails at BOBEEB, where your taste buds will be treated to an extraordinary experience! Visit BOBEEB stores for more details.